Friday, April 10, 2015

Another Day...

It has rained for the last three days. Not just a light rain but downpours, with lightening and thunder. Creepy looking dark clouds, swirling, the wind blowing and taking branches off the trees. We need rain but not all of the circus tricks with it. In three days its amazing how the grass has grown, the trees are budding and the flowers blooming. Time for the mower and weed eaters. I have often wondered how God decided to create the earth. From the Scriptures we know the order of how He created. Day one - Light, Day two - heaven above, water below, Day three - earth and sea/vegetation, Day four - sun, moon and stars, Day five - living creatures of water and sky, Day six - living creatures on land. humans, Day seven - rest. Why did He decide to make trees, flowers and grass different colors? Animals in different shapes and sizes? Fish that are beautiful and ugly? So many questions unanswered but for those who know Christ as their Savior and will spend eternity with Him, so many questions will be answered on another day. We must wait for that day, and while waiting tell others about the Savior and how He died for out sin.

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